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The modern pharmacological industry offers very effective and quality products that do not have side effects like many previously developed steroids. You can buy ANAPOLON Spectrum Pharma 25 mg (100 tablets) which will make your training more effective.
The active active ingredient:
This anabolic has a high anabolic activity of 320% and an androgenic effect of 30%.
The pills belong to the category of safe: they have a minimal list of side effects, which may appear only in the rarest of cases. Most athletes do not encounter them. The effect you get while taking Oxymetholone tablets persists even after the end of the course.
Anabolone refers to the effective pills, with the help of which you can get the following results:
Studying the traditional use of tablets, we recommend to buy Oxymetholone tablets for the therapy of osteoporosis, as well as help to recover from infectious diseases and weight loss pathology.
Taking the pills is only for those athletes who are of legal age and have no contraindications. Our store is the best place to buy oral steroids, presented in a wide range. It is recommended to be examined to see if there are any contraindications. As for dosing, it is calculated individually. The initial dosage is 100 mg per day, divided into several intakes. The average course of intake is 1 month, professional athletes can increase the period of intake up to 6 weeks. At the end of the use of tablets, it is necessary to undergo a recovery therapy.
If the level of physical fitness is high enough, it is possible to use the steroid in conjunction with other similar anabolics. The choice of steroids is made by a doctor or professional trainer. Good nutrition is important for replenishing energy reserves and reducing toxic effects of anabolic steroids for sale on the liver to zero.